Tuesday, 21 March 2023

Press on Regardless?

Hello, Hello, 

Apologies again for being away so long, not much has changed other than the demise of Dickie Davies, who we bumped into on many occasions, and a brief bought of covid 19 (Apparently it is still a thing) 

Rain today was very welcome as the river had dropped at a remarkable rate following an arid February, but weed is growing and all looks promising for the coming trout season. 

It is now apparent that the locale will be under new ownership sometime later this year. What this means for madam and myself is still a little unclear. We have both recently turned 55 which a plethora of junk mail, both actual and ethereal, inform us is a bit of a thing when it comes to stages of life. 

We’ve a three bed ex council house a little way up the valley all bought and paid for which we could live in if necessary, but are exploring the possibility of purchasing a “chez nook” somewhere else. 

I have worked for my deceased employer and her family for thirty one years and it has been a blast. Madam and myself both consider ourselves immensely fortunate to have lived, worked and raised a family in this parish, and if we do have to move on, it will be quite a wrench, with so many memories, friends and fishers.

New owners may require my services on the river or they may not, they may be happy for me to continue to chuck up guff such as this, or they may not want their river up and out there on the internet. 

We don’t know, 

But for a while until we know which land lies where, I’m going to muffle the oars and switch to radio silence. 

Feel free to stay in contact directly, deep cover, by email with further questions if necessary.  

I’m just a little concerned that any potential new owner could stumble across this guff and mark me out as a troublemaker/troubled/ addled or possibly just a loon who shouldn’t be allowed near sharp tools.

Of course six months down the line, it may be "press on regardless, Chris" from new owners and we can all sit down once again in a circle on the same familiar patch of grass and lace daisies into one another's hair, in which case see you back here later this year. 

Time will tell.


Brian said...

Love the blog and hope this is a temporary break. Good luck and hopefully see you on the riverbank again

Chris D said...

Hope everything works out for you Chris and that you are able to continue to care for the river and environment that you clearly love. Hope that in time you are able to continue the blog, for me so many laugh out loud moments which has caused raised eyebrows from "the lady who sleeps on my left"!

Anonymous said...

One of my favourite blogs. I sincerely hope you continue in your employment and hell maybe even get a pay rise 😊👍good luck

Gary O said...

I hope it all works out for the very best Chris. Fishing your former employer’s stretch in June 2020 will always be amongst my most enjoyable days bothering fish. You’ve done a beautiful job - I hope a new Gaffer agrees with so many of us.

James Denison Angling said...

Such a shame to hear that Chris, it's been a huge pleasure sharing that place with you and I'm sure Brian would concur, let's hope that it is a temporary pause and that life continues as before. I guess time will only tell.

Anonymous said...

I've always enjoyed your tales of the river - thanks for sharing them with us.
You're a very entertaining story teller and when you hang up your waders I'm sure a career in writing awaits. Good luck in whatever you do next.

Bree Bites said...

This is aa great post thanks

Lisa Wootens said...

It sounds like an exciting time with lots to look forward to.